How to Choose a Child Custody Lawyer

How to Choose a Child Custody Lawyer

Choosing a child custody lawyer is not an easy decision to make. You want someone who understands your goals and knows the best way to achieve them.

To get the most bang for your buck, you should choose a lawyer with experience in family law cases. An experienced attorney probably does not charge as much as a rookie — but he or she will avoid getting stuck with cases that are not worth their time or money. Here are some things to consider before appointing a child custody lawyer.



You should have at least five different contacts with your child custody lawyer. The first one is probably going to be the most important — it could be the one that sets you up for success or failure.

First, you should make sure the lawyer you are choosing has been recommended to you by someone you trust.

You can also look up former clients who worked with the law firm to see if they have any recommendations.

Frequency of Emails

You should receive regular updates from your child custody lawyer — usually weekly or bi-weekly. It is important to maintain regular communication with your legal representative.

You should not let a relationship with your lawyer cool off after you have hired them. You should continue to let them know how you are doing, what your plans are, and what questions you have.

Responsiveness Time

It is important to maintain a relaxed, patient frame when dealing with your child custody lawyer. You do not have to be talkative or give detailed answers to every question. You do not have to give a lot of information either way — some clients like to be treated like they are busy. Be direct with your child custody lawyer and do not hesitate to ask them questions.


You should get as much information about your potential child custody lawyer as possible before hiring them. You should look into their past cases and see if they have a reputation for getting issues resolved quickly or handling cases with care. You do not want to take a chance with a new lawyer on your side — after all, you hired them to help you solve your issues.

Legal Knowledge/Experience

Again, this is a very important factor — but one that is often overlooked. Experience is important because you will probably need it when things get rough. Also it is important for you and your lawyer to know your rights. Check out this article from Sisemore Law to learn more about fathers rights.


You do not have to put any money up — but you should put some effort into finding a good child custody lawyer. You should be looking for a good value. Think about what you are spending — and make sure it is worth it.


Finding the best child custody lawyer is no easy task. Ideally, you would find one who specializes in your area of law but even then, it might be hard to choose. There are a number of factors you should take into account when choosing a child custody lawyer — especially if you are looking for a cheaper option. We hope this article helped you narrow down your options when it comes to choosing a child custody lawyer. Good luck!

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