Key Features to Look for in Onsite Care Facilities

Key Features to Look for in Onsite Care Facilities

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Onsite clinics companies like Eden Health offer centralized healthcare for patients, providing most of their consultation, treatment, and follow-up in one location with a dedicated primary care team. These facilities offer exciting additional services, like onsite integrated health coaching and prescription refills.


Electronic Medical Records

EMRs are electronic versions of a patient’s health records that track important clinical data over time. This information can be shared among multiple healthcare facilities. Compared to paper records, they can save masses of space and are more easily searchable by medical professionals.

The data in an EMR is password-protected so the wrong people cannot accidentally access it. It is also easily searchable with the click of a mouse, allowing medical staff to find what they need quickly and efficiently. This can save valuable time as a doctor will not have to sift through a stack of papers to find what they seek.

Using an EMR system can also help improve productivity, with studies showing that physicians spend about 328.6 percent of their shifts documenting their patient’s care. Using an EMR system reduces documentation time and allows medical professionals to focus more on providing quality patient care.

Onsite medical clinics aren’t one-size-fits-all, as they can range in size, services, and functionality. Some are focused on work-related injuries, while others are geared toward employee wellness and overall health and well-being. Regardless of the purpose, they should all be built on an effective EMR system. By doing so, the clinic can deliver a more efficient and effective service that employees can rely on and benefit from.


Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications technologies to support healthcare activities that would normally be performed at a physician’s office. This includes videoconferencing technology that allows physicians to remotely see, hear, and examine patients and offer advice, counseling, and care for long distances. This may include e-prescriptions, patient portals, and remote monitoring systems and equipment.

Modern patients expect convenient access to their physicians and want to book appointments online or through a mobile app. Additionally, they want to receive appointment reminders via text messages or email. While this feature is fairly new, research suggests it can increase appointment attendance and reduce unscheduled office visits.

Onsite health clinics can be staffed by various providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, and health advocates. Some employers utilize their internal staff, while others contract with a third-party company to manage the onsite clinic. Sometimes, companies will share an onsite clinic with neighboring employers to reduce costs or better serve their employee populations.

Onsite health clinics are an important benefit for employees, especially those with chronic diseases. Companies can save their employees and insurance providers money by preventing unnecessary emergency room or urgent care trips. This is especially true for employers with self-funded medical benefits plans, where the employer assumes the financial risk of paying for the health care expenses of only its employees.

Personalized Care

Truly personalized care recognizes the individual perspective, with their unique health history and circumstances, in how they’re treated and what they’re told. It can reshape every step of the consumer journey, from their selection of healthcare providers and insurance to posthospitalization recovery and plan renewal.

In this new era of healthcare, the traditional “one size fits all” approach to treatment is no longer effective. Increasingly, medical practitioners are using diagnostic tests to find which treatments will work best for each patient, and they’re providing customized wellness programs that can help patients reach their desired outcomes.

For example, if employees have diabetes and can monitor their glucose levels, they’ll avoid costly emergency department visits. They’ll also be more likely to use primary care and get the preventive care they need to stay healthy. All this adds to big savings for the employer’s self-funded healthcare plan, better health outcomes, and employee satisfaction.

For onsite care to be truly personalized, nurses must have real-time access to the right data at the right time. This allows them to be alerted when a patient’s condition changes and to provide specialized support before the issue becomes serious. 


Onsite care clinics deliver valuable results for employers: measurable health improvements, lowered healthcare expenditures, and improved productivity related to reduced absences and presenteeism. Onsite providers can customize services to align with specific employee populations’ needs. This is especially important for employers who self-fund their benefits plans.

Onsite providers can also optimize services by using data to identify at-risk individuals and target them with personalized outreach. In addition, they can make decisions about clinic operations based on the data collected, such as staffing and scheduling. Smart standardization can create efficiencies that free up time for personalization while still meeting employees’ needs and preferences.

An onsite provider can customize clinic offerings to fit the needs of specific employee populations, such as by offering health risk assessments and biometric screenings to identify at-risk individuals. By doing so, they can increase the likelihood that an employee will visit the clinic and be able to take advantage of its many services. They can also tailor the type of care offered by onsite care clinicians, ensuring that it meets employees’ unique needs through behavioral and mental health support, wellness coaching, or physical therapy.

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