Safety Tips For Driving in Iceland

Safety Tips For Driving in Iceland

Driving in Iceland can be a wonderful experience, but it is also essential to drive safely. Here are a few driving safety pointers to keep you and other drivers on the road safe.

Most of the roads in Iceland are dual lanes, with one lane for each direction of travel. But there are some situations where you will encounter single-lane bridges or gravel F-roads.


Don’t speed

When driving in Iceland, it’s important to remember that you’ll be doing a lot of slow, careful driving. The roads are narrow and winding, and it’s not uncommon for you to encounter snow or ice.

Among the tips for driving in Iceland is never to speed tips for driving in Iceland. Instead, you should always follow the posted speed limit on a paved or an F-road.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for traffic lights. Drivers should indicate and pull over if necessary to let an emergency vehicle pass.

Don’t park in passing places

Parking your car in passing places for tea breaks or photo opportunities can stop other drivers, cyclists, and horse-riders from using the space. It is unsafe and can cause accidents.

If you must park in a passing place, pull in and let the other vehicle leave the spot before you do. Usually, the vehicle’s driver closest to the passing place will reverse, but this is not always possible.

Roads in Iceland are often narrow and sometimes windy, so driving with caution is essential. It’s also wise to follow the speed limits and obey traffic laws.

Avoid making a halt in the middle of the road

In Iceland, stopping in the middle of the road is perilous because there are few breakdown lanes. It’s also unsafe to park on the side of the road.

In rural areas, you’ll often encounter single-lane bridges, which are only wide enough for one car at a time. The car closest to the bridge has the right of way, and you should always slow down when driving on these bridges.

There are several other safety concerns to be aware of when driving in Iceland, including blind hills and blind turns. So stay vigilant, and pay attention to special warning signs. They’ll help you navigate safely. These tips will ensure you have an enjoyable and safe trip.

Don’t drive through one-lane tunnels

When driving in Iceland, it’s essential to be aware of the rules of the road. In addition to the speed limits and road tolls, there are a few other things that should be taken into consideration.

One of these is the importance of not driving through one-lane tunnels. These are particularly dangerous in remote mountainous areas.

In these tunnels, it is a law that vehicles are required to pull over at specific intervals to allow oncoming traffic to pass. It is especially the case if the passing place is on your side of the tunnel.

Don’t ignore signs

When driving in Iceland, it’s essential to stay alert for signs. They may be strange or unfamiliar, but they’re necessary for safety.

One of the most crucial things to remember is that you must always drive on the right side of the road in this country. It is especially true if you’re coming from the United States or other countries where cars are often driven on the left side of the road.

You might also see signs like “Slysasvaedi” or “Blindhaed.” It means that a section of the road is accident-prone. These are hazardous areas, so you should be extra cautious if you’re planning to drive in these parts of the country.

Don’t ignore wild reindeer

Winter is a busy time for drivers in Iceland, with days shortening to just six hours of daylight. Therefore, knowing the road conditions and planning your journey is essential.

Wild reindeer are not native to the country. Still, it can be spotted around mountain Snaefell, Vesturoraefi, and Bruaroraefi in summer and in eastern Iceland’s town of Seydisfjordur during the winter. During the winter, they tend to move closer to the coastline.

Don’t ignore camera traps

Camera traps are a modern technology becoming increasingly popular with photographers, hobbyists, and wildlife enthusiasts. They are a great way to record images or videos of wildlife and provide invaluable data on species’ location, population size, and habitat.

In Iceland, camera traps have become essential to many citizen science projects and wildlife research programs. They have also been the subject of countless documentaries and social media posts.

Don’t ignore sheep

Roaming sheep can be a real hazard when driving around Iceland, especially in summer. They often need to be fenced and can cross the road without warning.

In this case, you’ll want to be extremely careful and slow down, primarily if many of them exist. Otherwise, you could crash into them and hurt yourself or your rental car.

Sheep herding is a common agricultural practice in the country. Farmers round up their collective herds in the spring and summer to graze on the same lands where they are raised.

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